Naval Architecture * Marine Engineering
Marine Surveying * Marine Consulting
Project management services include cost estimating, preparation of specifications, drawings & contracts, managing the bidding process and selection of contractors, oversight of those contractors and settlement of the final bill. Controlling costs and changes during the work are a vital part of the services provided.
Types of projects managed include repairs, drydockings, conversions and new construction. Project locations have included Japan, China, Korea, Canada, Europe and the United States.
Wy'East Marine has extensive knowledge of the capabilities of numerous contractors and yards around the Pacific basin, and can readily handle arrangement and supervision of repairs of vessels when a customer's own technical people are overworked or unavailable.
Very often the successful completion of a project requires a good match between the project requirements and the Contractor's capabilities. Wy'East Marine can help an owner, operator or manager to select the right facility for the job.